

Black Beauty of the Day: Bre Scullark Opens Up on the Modeling Industry and Her Beauty Secrets

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We count Bre Scullark among one of our favorite America's Next Top Model alums ever. She's been featured in many national ad campaigns and graced the pages of your favorite magazines. But what we most admire is that the New York native is as intelligent and ambitious as she is gorgeous.  When she's not in front of the camera, she runs her own line of handcrafted candles, BrVelle.

Bre graciously answered a few questions for us about her career, the fashion industry and her flawless complexion.

KF: When did you know you wanted to be a model?
BS: I think I have always known that modeling was a good fit for me. When I was younger, while most girls were discovering boys or dressing dolls, I was somewhere begging my mom to find a modeling agency for me so that I could pursue it professionally.

KF: Was there a point when you didn't think you could make this a career?
BS: There were times when I thought I was just chasing a childhood dream. I was rejected from almost all of the agencies that I visited because of my height (I’m 5’7ish). If it wasn’t my height, it was my features. Many agencies thought I was too “pretty” to be taken seriously as a model. They were looking for edgy and chic. Apparently I was, and sometimes am today, too “girl next door” pretty. Modeling was beginning to seem too complicated. I never thought anyone would sign me.

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KF: Do you think the modeling industry takes diversity seriously? Have you seen a change?
BS: I do think the modeling industry takes diversity seriously. Over the past few seasons, I have watched Jordan Dunn, Chanel Iman, and Joan Smalls grace the cover of major magazines, shoot music videos, and headline every major runway show all over the world. Surprisingly, these women- all of ethic backgrounds- have achieved this individually and sometimes collectively. I am extremely proud of all three women and I think it is amazing to see them work together so often. Especially because that is one thing that many minorities in fashion and other careers complain about. We believe that we have to take turns in the public eye where as our counter parts (Caucasian women) can grab as much media attention as desired with as many of them as our television or publication can hold. To me, it definitely shows growth in such a conservative field and it also shows the product of the people’s revolution. We (the consumer) have made our voices heard for some time now, and slowly we are beginning to see change like the wider acceptance of natural hair.

KF: As a model you've got to have great skin. What's your secret?
BS: Thank you for the compliment on my skin! I would love to lie and say “ I woke up like this…” but, no I didn’t. Skin, nails and hair are an internal process. I drink loads of water; I try to get as much sleep as possible whenever possible and I eat healthy (for the most part). I think there is a booming market of all-natural beauty products that people are creating in their kitchens. Women want to know what is going on and in their bodies, and I am also a part of this movement. I use Black Soap to wash my face and I mix avocado oil with a few drops of vitamin E to moisturize it. That’s it!

Photo Credit: Derek Blanks for Zink Magazine

Kimberly Foster is the Founder and Editor of COLOURES. Email or
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