11 Natural Hair Instagram Accounts You Should be Following


by Shonette Reed

Like any hairstyle, it can be easy to get stuck in a rut with natural hair. When this happens, we sometimes want to switch it up, adding some diversity to our everyday natural hair style. I’m sure I’m not the only one who turns to the Internet when looking for new hairstyles. I love getting tips, reviews, and style ideas—especially when it comes to the upkeep of my hair.

But not always having a laptop or desktop available can sometimes get in the way of this. Luckily, having quick access to our phones saves the day, as Instagram is a great way to get hair tips and tricks. The following 11 instagram accounts offer information about stylists, salons, hairstyles, and just general natural hair inspiration.

Whether you’re a transitioning or have been a long-time naturalista, these are great Instagram accounts to follow for haircare and styling tips just for you!

@SUMETRAREED, Natural Hair Tips and Reviews

@MZ_TAMMY, Natural Hair Styles

A photo posted by Tammy (@mz_tammy) on


@NIMSAY8838, Natural Hair Vlogger

@MOKNOWSHAIR, Natural Hair Stylist and Vlogger

@MAHOGANYCURLS, ESSENCE.com Natural Hair Blogger & Shea Moisture Beauty Ambassador

@NATURALLY_FAVORED_, Natural Hair Styles

A photo posted by 💕Keyana💕 (@naturally_favored_) on

@AMBER_BELOVELY, Carol's Daughter Brand Ambassador


A photo posted by MusesUniform (@musesuniform) on

@ASKPROY, Author, Blogger and Natural Hair Advocate

A photo posted by pRoy of SFle (@askproy) on

@BWATUWANT, Model and Curlyfro Encourager

A photo posted by Miss Brit (@bwatuwant) on

Photo: Deposit Photos

Shonette Reed is a freelance writer living in Los Angeles. Her interests include fashion, reading, travelling, music and art. Follow her on Twitter: @ShonetteReed.
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