6 Budget-Friendly Beauty Hacks You Can Find in Your Kitchen


by Dalila Thomas

Let’s face it. When it comes to beauty, us girls will kill for a regimen that keeps us looking our best. A search for the “next best thing” can not only be tedious, it can become pricey too. Well, what if you had all the products you need, right at your fingertips—or rather, in your kitchen? Yes, your kitchen! Here are six beauty hacks you can find in your cabinets and fridge.

1. Body Scrub

Exfoliating is an important step in maintaining glowing, healthy skin. However, with so many expensive store-bought options that contain potentially harmful chemicals, it can be hard to do on the regular. Well, instead of purchasing a scrub, you can make one with honey, sugar, and lemons. Simply mix the sugar and honey together and add a squeeze of lemon juice. This concoction is a great scrub because it doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals and it is safe to use all over your body. Warning: Get ready to glow and receive countless compliments!
2. Facial Mask

There’s no feeling like having baby-soft, well moisturized skin. But what if you’ve run out of your go-to mask? Or maybe you don’t have one yet? Well, there’s something in your fridge that can do the trick. Take a ripe avocado, dice it up, stir, until creamy, and apply to your face. Leave it on for about 30 minutes and voila!

3. Hair and Skin Moisturizer

It’s always good to have items that can be used in various ways. Coconut oil is one of those. Not only is it good for cooking, but coconut oil is great for your hair and skin. Rub a dollop of raw, unrefined oil together in your hands and apply to your hair for moisture. At night, do the same to skin and wake up feeling soft and supple.

4. Hair Cleanser

Whether you’re a naturalista or rock a perm, we get built up from the products we use. Every so often, it’s great to give our strands a good cleanse. The kitchen cure? Apple cider vinegar. When you’re in need of a deep clean, apply about a cup or two to your locks as you would shampoo, and make sure to wash out thoroughly.

5. Teeth Whitener

Who doesn’t want a white smile? These days, professional teeth whitening can cost hundreds of dollars. Even at-home kits can be pricey. Well, adding this one extra step to your daily brushing regimen can get you those pearly whites without the hefty price tag: Baking soda! I got baking soda! (Sorry, I had to.) After your normal brush with toothpaste, dip your wet brush in baking soda, and simply brush your chops. It’s that simple. Just be sure you’re double dipping in a box dedicated only to your dental needs, not the one you use to cook with.

6. All Around Beauty

Last but not least, one the most important things you can find in the kitchen to enhance your beauty has to be water. I know, it’s been said a zillion times before, but if you’re doing all of the above and then some, but you’re not getting an adequate amount water of daily, it doesn’t matter. Just remember good hydration = happy hair, skin, and all around health. So get to drinking, girl!

There you have it. Whether you’re looking for natural remedies, trying to avoid making excessive store runs, or simply trying to cut back on spending, these at-home beauty hacks are sure to get the job done.

Photo: Shutterstock

Dalila Thomas is a regular contributor to For Harriet.

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