

A New York Times Editor Dressed Up Like Cookie for a Week and it Was Awesome

At just 24 years old, Jazmine Hughes is a fairly new editor at the New York Times magazine.  She wrote a piece for Cosmopolitan about the anxiety that accompanied taking on such a prestigious job.

I'm now six months into working at the Times — markedly less full of anxiety and ineptitude since day one, but despite working with the kindest and most attractive people in journalism, I'm still pretty uncomfortable. I love my job, but there are still days where I'm convinced I don't belong, racked by the fear that someone is going to find me out and show me the door. 
She chose to tackle her "imposter syndrome," the feeling that she was wasn't quite ready for the position she'd been given, by dressing up as Cookie Lyon.

Jazmine and the Cosmo editors nailed the looks.

Photo: FOX/Kathleen Kamphausen
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