

This Bizarre Black-to-White Makeup Transformation Has Us Scratching Our Heads

We've seen YouTube beauty gurus do incredible things with makeup. That's what makes them so fun to watch. It's your gorgeous friend playing in all of the beauty products you want but probably can't afford to create looks you'll never be able to pull off. Their skills keep us coming back.

But every once in awhile a YouTuber, in an effort to differentiate themselves from the incredibly crowded field or maybe out of boredom or curiousity, will try something so strange all you can do is watch in relative horror.
Beige Ojai is a gorgeous woman with beautiful curls, but her race transformation makeup tutorial was a little bit creepy from beginning to end. There's nothing wrong with experimentation, but we can't help but get Bluest Eye vibes from the look.

See for yourself.
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