Erykah Badu Highlights Mental Illness in Her New York Fashion Week Debut


 Erykah Badu joined Kerby Jean-Raymond to style menswear label Pyer Moss' fall 2016 presentation. The presentation was e a continuation of Kerby's previous ode to the Black Lives Matter Movement in 2015.

Badu wrote about styling the show on her Facebook page.

"Kirby [Sic] decided to focus on Depression as the theme of his show. I was focused on helping him communicate this...As half the nation self medicates itself to sleep with anti-de presents [Sic], we all live with the realty of suffering from "mini-depressions" in our daily walking life. We numb this idea in some form or another. This way, we never truly deal with the demons inside...We all suffer, but there is beauty in it all IF we are able to stay in the moment and OUT OUR MINDS. "

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