

How White Pumps Went from Faux-Pas to Fashionable

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This is a confusing time for me as a woman who keeps up with fashion. We were once led to believe that white pumps should only be worn by the tacky and tasteless. They were for little girls to wear with Easter dresses and grandmothers to pair with modestly cut suits, but now everything's changed.

Now white shoes are worn by our noted fashion plates--forcing us all to reconsider our hardline stance against them. Yet and still my sensibilities have been so conditioned to cringe at the sight of a chalk colored heel, I can't imagine purchasing a pair. Well, I should say, I couldn't until I came across these Pigalle Louboutins.
They're stunning, and of course they can no longer be found anywhere. But even if they were, they're as ridiculously priced as all Louboutins. Thankfully, I came across this pair called Kali from ShoeDazzle.

They're less than $50, and I'd strongly consider them. Strongly. But I'm still wondering if I'll ever become 100% comfortable with white pumps.

What do you think of the trend? Would you wear a white pump?

Kimberly Foster is the Founder and Editor of COLOURES. Email or
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