Michelle Obama Covers Vogue April 2013 Issue in Reed Krakoff Dress


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The First Lady has done it again. She looks bold, fresh and completely chic on the April 2013 cover of US Vogue. Mrs. Obama is styled in a brilliant blue Reed Krakoff a-line dress.

In my opinion, this cover outdoes her first appearance in the magazine by leaps and bounds. You can't help but feel sorry for the poor woman who's going to come after her in the White House. How do you top this?
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The First Lady's appearance makes this the 2nd cover featuring a Black woman in as many months. Beyonce covered March's Power Issue.


Here's Mrs. Obama's first cover from March 2009 for comparison
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What do you think of the cover?

Kimberly Foster is the Founder and Editor of COLOURES. Email or
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