

Black Girls Gone Blonde

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Hair has long been one of the areas in which black women feel empowered to express our creativity. We braid it, weave it, cut it, color it, and more. The possibilities are limitless.

If you pay attention to what Black celebrity women wear atop their heads, you'll notice that blonde is hue of the season. For years, Beyonce had blonde on lock, but now celebrities like Ciara, Angela Simmons, Rihanna and Nicki Minaj have all given the shade a try.

They key to achieving blonde bombshell status is finding the perfect shade. Angela's high and low lights give the color a richer feel.
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Image via Instagram

Blonde is a quick path to reinvention. It's bold and fresh. Of course, the maintenance might be a bit much for us non-celebrity chicks unless you love Nicki's blonde hair with black roots look. And when you go light, you also have to worry about your dark eyebrows growing in.

Of course the color can go brassy and wrong. Amerie and Christina Milian are prime examples.
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Going super light is a risk. Black women who choose the shade subject themselves to inherent criticism, but finding the right shade is the reason why these blondes are having more fun.


In Praise of Solange's Natural Hair Wigs
Upgrade/Downgrade: Olivia's New Hair Color
High Waist Pants, Crop Tops and Big Hair

Kimberly Foster is the Founder and Editor of COLOURES. Email or
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