

Beyonce's Vogue Cover is Top Seller of 2013

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Ten years since the start of her solo career, Beyonce has become the most recognizable Black woman in the world. She's featured in commercials for global brands like Pepsi and L'oreal. She embarked upon a well-received world tour more than a year after the release of her latest album. Now Beyonce can add another important feat to her list of accomplishments.

Her March 2013 cover of US Vogue is the top selling issue this year according to Women's Wear Daily. On the cover, Beyonce embodies her roll as the elder stateswoman of pop music. With her hair swept up and minimal makeup, she's part popstar, part politician.

That Beyonce covers the Power Issue is also important. In the past, she's covered the Shape Issue which spotlights her phenomenal figure. Although there's nothing wrong with celebrating curves, Mrs. Knowles-Carter's influence extends far beyond her appearance.

Need more proof of Beyonce's power? Her cover outsold First Lady Michelle Obama's April issue.

Kimberly Foster is the Founder and Editor of COLOURES. Email or
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